Here is a photo when I first got him:
Here is a photo now for a size comparison!!
Now I shall post the Cons and Pros of Leopold:D
He is stupid
He is a big baby and cries all the time (think Elvis's song Hound Dog)
He gets into EVERYTHING and has chewed up stuff
He is stubborn (like his owner)
He is scared of my cat
He has to be bathed monthly and ears cleaned weekly (by me)
He prefers the cats' food to his own
He has selective hearing and therefore selective obedience
He is stupid
He is not aggressive
He loves other animals and people and kids
He is affectionate
He is sometimes obedient
He has been leash, potty, and obedience trained to a degree
He is a source of endless entertainment
He is my dog and I am blessed to have him!!
That's all for now folks!